Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Where to go for data when the federal websites shut down

Because it looks like most federal websites will shut down when the government does... (update: Census website down as of 10:30am EST)

Here are some other helpful data resources, ranging from national to state and local downloads, to get you through any dark days with no federal data access:
You may also want to try the "Wayback Machine," an online archive of webpages. (It does work for the Census Bureau webpage as of September 2013.)

For state-specific data... here are links provided by readers and colleagues around the nation:

Check the Clearinghouse of SDCs for a comprehensive listing of Census State Data Centers, or refer to one of these state-based resources:
And here's a bit of 2012 American Community Survey data that may be helpful:
I also have data on U.S. fertility and birth rate by age back to the early 1900s... contact me if you'd like the file.

Please tweet me @DataGeekB or email me if you have recommendations to add to the list!

Special thanks to @SR_Spatial@MetroGram@CarlSchmertmann and @NDCompass for recommending several links. @PolicyMap also contacted me to let me know that they provide a wealth of data, some for free, some for a subscription fee.

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